Delivery time and can I make changes to my order once I have checked out?
Once your order is placed, we take around 24 hours to execute it. You need to write in to us at within 24 hrs if you want to change your order. Delivery takes 2-3 days in Metros and 4-6 days everywhere else.
How can I pay?
As of now, we accept all credit cards and Cash on Delivery (COD) option only in Select Pincode. You can also pay Via Paytm (whatsapp us on 7769946666 for more details)
How do I check out? Just click on the "Check out" link. We will need your name, email and shipping address. Of course, we will need your payment details as well ? As soon as we have all of this information, we will process your order.
How do I place my order?
It's pretty simple. When a design catches your fancy, click on it, choose the colour, size and quantity (if you want to gift one to your buddies as well) and add your order to cart. You can now continue browsing and selecting more tees the same way, or you can check out.
Is the order secure?
All personal information submitted on bluebusstore is fully protected and will NOT be sold or shared with any third party. We are here for your money folks, not your personal details. Also, we do NOT store credit card numbers so that our database remains optimized. Our payment gateway is by CC Avenue which is the leading payment gateway around.